

Chapter 8A

Chapter 8A

Question 1 - Electric current

Chapter 8A

Question 1,2,3 - Rutherford α- scattering experiment,Emission &
absorption spectra. (English)

Chapter 8A

Question 4,7 - Find vel.,P.E,K.E,T.E for moving electron.Bohr radius (English)

Chapter 8A

Question 3 - Impact parameter, Distance of closest approach

Chapter 8A

Question 2 - Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment (English)

Chapter 8A

Question 1 - Development of atom theory (1885 to 1930) (English)

Chapter 8A

Question 7 - Radius, velocity and total energy in nth orbit (English)

Chapter 8A

Question 4 - Energy of electron moving around nucleus (English)

Chapter 8A

Question 8 - De Broglie's formula and bohr's 2nd postulate

Chapter 8A

Question 6 - Bohr's model postulates, limitations

Chapter 8A

Question 5 - Spectra, Hydrogen spectra

Chapter 8A

Question 3A -,Impact parameter,distance of closest approach.
(English & Punjabi)