

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Question 1 - Electric current (English)

Chapter 2

Question 1 - Electric current & based nummericals. (Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 2 - Drift Velocity and Electric Field relation (English)

Chapter 2

Question 2 - Relation between electric field and drift velocity (English )

Chapter 2

Question 3 - Prove I = nAeVd and Ohm's Law V=IR (English)

Chapter 2

Question 3 - Numericals (English)

Chapter 2

Question 4a - Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulator (English)

Chapter 2

Question 4b - Color code for carbon resistor (English)

Chapter 2

Question 4,5 - Colour code for carbon resistors,effect on resistivity
with change in temperature (English & Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 5 - Numericals

Chapter 2

Question 8 - E.M.F,Internal resistance & terminal voltage for cell. (Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 9 - Cells in series & in Parallel. (Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 10 - Kirchoff's Law(Current & voltage law) (Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 11 - Wheatstone bridge with examples. (Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 12,13 - Potentiometer & its uses.Compare potentiometer (English)

Chapter 2

Question 14 - Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. (Punjabi)

Chapter 2

Question 5 - Variation of resistivity with change in temperature (English)

Chapter 2

Question 6 - Prove p=VI and why power transmition at high voltage (English)

Chapter 2

Question 7 - resistors in series and parallel (English)

Chapter 2

Question 8 - EMF, Terminal voltage and relationship (English)

Chapter 2

Question 9 - Cells in series and parallel (English)

Chapter 2

Question 10 - Kirchoff's current law and voltage law(English)

Chapter 2

Question 11 - Wheatstone Bridge

Chapter 2

Question 12 - Potentiometer, Use potentiometer to compare emf's of 2 cells

Chapter 2

Question 13 - Potentiometer to find internal resistance of a cell (English)

Chapter 2

Question 13b - Potentiometer vs voltmeter(English)

Chapter 2

Question 14 - Maximum power transfer theorem