

Chapter 3B

Chapter 3B

Question 1 - Friction, Causes of friction (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 2 - Static, limiting, Kinetic friction (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 3 - Kinetic friction is less than limiting friction (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 4 - Cause of Rolling friction (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 5 - Laws of friction (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 6 - Co efficient of friction Static and kinetic comparison (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 7 - Angle Of friction (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 8,9 - Angle of Repose, Acceleration of object on inclined plane (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 10 - Friction advantages, disadvantages, control (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 11 - Motion on horizontal circular road (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 12 - Vertical circle looping the loop (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 13 - Direction of friction for bicycle (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 1,2,3 - Friction causes and its types, kinetic vs limiting friction