

Chapter 7C

Chapter 7C

Question 1, 2, 3 - Viscosity & its Coefficent, solid friction and
viscosity, poiseuille's formula (Punjabi)

Chapter 7C

Question 4, 5, 6,stokes Law, Terminal velocity,Streamline,
Laminar,Turbulent flow,Reynold no. (Punjabi)

Chapter 7C

Question 7, 8 ,9,12 - Eq of continuity,Energies for liquid,
Bernouli's theorem and applications (Punjabi)

Chapter 7C

Question 10, 11 - Prove Torricelli's theorem.Construction and
working of Venturi metre (Punjabi)

Chapter 7C

Numerical doubts (Punjabi)

Chapter 7C

Question 1 - Viscosity (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 6 - Archimede's principle(English)

Chapter 7C

Question 2 - Comparison of solid friction and viscosity(English)

Chapter 7C

Question 3 - Poiseuille's formula (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 4 - Stroke's Law(English)

Chapter 7C

Question 5 - Terminal velocity (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 6 - Streamline, Turbulent flow, reynold number (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 7 - Equation of continuity (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 8 - Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Pressure of a liquid (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 9 - Bernouli's Theorem (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 10 - Torricelli's theorem(English)

Chapter 7C

Question 11 - Venturimeter (English)

Chapter 7C

Question 12 - Bernouli's Theorem Applications (English)