

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Question 1 - Thermal Equilibirium and Zero law of thermodynamics (English)

Chapter 8

Question 2 - Isochoric and isobaric process (English)

Chapter 8

Question 3 - Isothermal process (English)

Chapter 8

Question 4 - Work done in Isothermal Process (English)

Chapter 8

Question 5 - Slope in P V graph Isothermal Process(English)

Chapter 8

Question 6 - Adiabatic process(English)

Chapter 8

Question 7 - Adiabatic process - Work done(English)

Chapter 8

Question 8 - Adiabatic process - slope of P V graph(English)

Chapter 8

Question 9 - Comparison Isothermal and adiabatic process(English)

Chapter 8

Question 10 - Internal energy for ideal and real gas (English)

Chapter 8

Question 11 - First law of thermodynamics (English)

Chapter 8

Question 12 - Cyclic and non cyclic Process (English)

Chapter 8

Question 13 - Heat engine working and efficiency(English)

Chapter 8

Question 14 - Second law of thermodynamics (English)

Chapter 8

Question 15 - Refrigerator Working (English)

Chapter 8

Question 16 - Carnot cycle, carnot engine (English)