

Chapter 3B

Chapter 3B

Question 1 - Motion of Charged particle in Electric field (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 2 - Motion of Charged particle in Magnetic field (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 5 - Magnetic field due to finite conductor (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 3 - Velocity Selector Switch, Numerical (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 4 - Helical path, time and pitch (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 5 - Cyclotron (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 6 - Force current carrying conductor placed in magnetic field (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 7 - Force between parallel current carrying conductor (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 8 - Torque on current loop (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 9 - Moving coil galvanometer (English)

Chapter 3B

Question 10 - Conversion of Galvanometer to Ammeter and Voltmeter